Vein clinic Houston TX

What Are The Causes Of Legs Feeling Heavy?

If you are the one who is having the heavy and feels that this is stopping you from performing other activities, then it is necessary to know that you are at the right place in this article; you will be reading about the major things that you have so that you can ease it under the doctor's recommendations, and the process will be super easy. So, keep going and know more about it.

Major Causes of Sclerotherapy

Fatigued Muscles: If you have been standing a lot or active in any way, it is possible that the muscles in your legs are just tired, which is why you're experiencing discomfort.

Lack of hydration: It is also one of the main reasons for muscle weakness and weight loss owing to water loss.

No Physical Exercise: Lack of exercise, therefore, causes muscles to become weak and the legs to feel very heavy.

Gaining Weight: Weight gain also puts more pressure on the legs, making them feel more congested. This plan will probably involve exercise, reducing weight, using compression devices, treating any existing medical conditions with prescribed medications, and making lifestyle changes.

Medical concerns: Health problems like varicose veins, diabetes, or heart problems can lead to the sensation of heavy legs. If you frequently experience these feelings, it's important to consult with a physician and to be familiar with how to treat heavy legs.

How Long After Vein Ablation Do You See Results?

  1. Right after the procedure, your legs might feel a bit sore or bruised, and you might have some swelling. This is normal and usually goes away in a few days to a week.
  2. By the end of the first few weeks, some people may experience a lessening of pain and inflammation. The treated veins might remain discernible, yet they should depreciate over time.
  3. Normally, benefits can be expected in one to three months regarding the look of veins and symptoms such as swelling, pain, and rascality. The veins will continue to become faint, and this plan will flatten.
  4. By six months, you should see the full results. The treated veins should be much less noticeable or even completely gone, and your symptoms should be much better.

It is necessary that you are aware of recovery after vein ablation so that you can live happily without any pain.

In Conclusion

This article has stated that the cause for legs to feel heavy is so that you will recover from every problem that you are having with your legs. It is necessary to treat your heavy legs at the right time so that they won't create any burden on your legs. Following treatment, your doctor will consistently monitor you on a regular basis, as vascular disease is a long-term chronic condition. This might involve regular ultrasounds along with other tests. You can also ask, "Can Veins Get Worse After Sclerotherapy?" in a clear way so that you can have the right guidance in treating it.

What is spider vein and varicose vein ablation?

Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that appear just below the surface of your skin in the lower part of your body. When your vein walls are weak, and your valves aren't working properly, blood backs up in your veins. This causes blue and purple bumps to appear on your legs, feet, or ankles. Many treatment options may work, but varicose veins may come back.

Related symptoms and causes

People may notice other symptoms and causes of leg heaviness. Reporting these symptoms to a doctor is important, as they may help with diagnosis and treatment.

The underlying reason for heavy legs may or may not create other symptoms. Some examples include:

● dullness or numbness in the leg

● throbbing pain in one or both legs

● feeling coldness or tingling in the legs

● as the day wears on, trouble standing or walking

● swelling

● discoloration of the area, such as the leg becoming blue or pale

As the day wears on, trouble standing or walking, swelling, discoloration of the area, such as the leg becoming blue or pale

What is varicose vein and spider vein ablation?

The vein ablation procedure is minimally invasive, using thin, flexible tubes called catheters or tiny needle injections. The vein expert applies heat or chemicals to the vein using a catheter or needle to cause tissue damage and closure. Three different kinds of ablation techniques exist:

● Endovenous thermal ablation is a minimally invasive process that involves inserting a tiny catheter into the injured vein. Controlled heat closes the vein while the catheter is pulled out. This procedure is performed in our office.

● Mechanical ablation. It is one of the least invasive vein closure techniques currently available. It involves inserting a small catheter that delivers a safe and effective medication or glue into the diseased vein while removing the catheter. These methods do not require multiple needle pricks; the return to normal activity is immediate. The Clariwin infusion catheter is one type of mechanical agent we use.

● Sclerotherapy. This technique lessens the insufficiency of varicose vein insufficiency and spider veins by using minuscule needle injections of a drug that breaks the vein and is then absorbed by the body. The size and kind of veins determine how many treatments are necessary. Normal activities may resume immediately. One kind of sclerotherapy agent we provide is Varithena. Your vein specialist will administer a tiny quantity of Varithena by direct injection or catheter. This injectable foam medication helps to close your vein.

○ Some patients report that, can veins get worse after sclerotherapy?

When a sclerosant medication is injected into spider veins, it essentially turns them into hard scar tissue that can be very visible under the skin. This way, your spider veins will look black and bad after sclerotherapy. But your body will gradually metabolize the scar tissue, and the spider veins will disappear from the skin's surface within three weeks. In this way, spider veins will turn black before disappearing completely.

When blood clots block veins

What Happens When Blood Clots Block Veins? If you have blood clots in your veins, you should see a doctor.

It can cause blockages, especially in your legs, lungs, or brain. If not treated promptly with anticoagulants (blood thinners) or corrective surgery, severe blood clots can be deadly.

Consult with your healthcare provider if you have Blood Clots Block Veins symptoms.


Time for spider veins to disappear after laser treatment. For several hours, you might see redness and scars on your skin. You might notice results for small spider veins, but larger ones will become less visible over several weeks. Remember that you may need multiple sessions to remove spider veins completely.

You can ask your healthcare provider about the different treatments available. However, keep in mind that varicose veins can reoccur even after treatment. Discuss your therapy options with your provider.

Vein Clinic Treatments for Varicose and Spider Veins You might consider going to a vein clinic if you have varicose or spider veins where an experienced physician can remove them for you. To get rid of this condition effectively they have several treatments.

Varicose vein disease and spider veins

According to a vein doctor in New Jersey Varicose veins are pools of blood that have been halted by poor circulation. Even though they are generally normal in the feet, thighs, lower legs, and legs, they can show up anyplace on the body. They might have a place, wide, noticeable, or protruding. They are unattractive and, for a significant number of us, help the world to remember our age. This is the reason such countless individuals need to dispose of them.

Spider veins are comparable. They are additionally brought about by these pools of blood yet take an alternate shape. They regularly show up in groups or a web-like example. This is the place where the condition gets its name. They can likewise be found in all pieces of the body including the face.

The vein center

A vein center New Jersey is a spot that represents considerable authority in treating these issues. They have doctors who are prepared around here and who utilize a variety of procedures to dispose of varicose and spider veins. Here are a couple of methods that they perform.

Laser surgery

Lasers are frequently used to treat protruding veins. There are various vein treatment New Jersey yet all work by utilizing heat to get the blood going again. One sort of medical procedure utilizes a laser fiber that is embedded into the area to soothe the coagulations. Another non-invasive strategy is known as light treatment or radiofrequency ablation. This system shines intense light outwardly on the pain point and it works similarly. The upside of this methodology is that it doesn’t include any genuine medical procedure.


With sclerotherapy, the vein specialist New Jersey injects a solution into the problem veins. This solution generally incorporates some type of salt, and its purpose is to bother the veins. The regular response makes the varicose veins shrink back to their ordinary size. For serious cases where there is harm to the veins, It might take several treatments. Sclerotherapy likewise offers a powerful arrangement that doesn’t include any genuine medical procedure, which is one reason it is so normally utilized in clinics.

Both sclerotherapy and laser medical procedure are systems that are performed on an outpatient basis. This implies that you leave that very day it’s finished. Even though they are not easy, you can anticipate insignificant inconvenience from them. Laser treatment, since it focuses heat around a part of the body, can be slightly uncomfortable, but there is no major pain. In case you’re stressed over risks and difficulties, talk this over with the specialist before they start. These are viewed as minor methods which are generally searched, however, it’s in every case great to ensure.

A vein clinic in New Jersey has the apparatuses and experienced staff to make your varicose veins vanish. They utilize the most recent innovation in negligibly intrusive medical procedures to clear up the issue rapidly and adequately with the goal that you will presently don’t have to fear “looking old” because of the presence of varicose or spider veins.

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Enhance Your Appearance Through The Varicose Vein Treatment!

Recently, everyone is suffering from varicose vein treatment and searching for the best vein clinic Manhattan. There are various types of vein treatment available and pinpointing every specific is seems quite difficult, the cause of the problem itself, what medications one should know, and the risks associated with that influence you to have them. Hence, if you have a doubt about how we remove them. Then read the entire article.

What are varicose veins?

Simply put, "varicose" means swollen, enlarged, or knotty. That consummately portrays the presence of this unattractive condition. They're rope-like blood vessels that have become swollen and distended, causing them to protrude from the surface of your skin. Mainly blue or purple, they can sometimes be painful.

Okay, so now the question is - what are the risk factors of vein treatment Manhattan and how you can prevent them. Well, it's a good news/bad news situation. Some factors are unavoidable and some aren't.

Factors influencing the varicose vein

The vein specialist Manhattan states that there are some factors which are controllable and some are uncontrollable. So let’s first discuss the uncontrollable factors -

  • Heredity. Some families have histories of valve problems, and there's nothing you can do about that.
  • Hormonal changes. The fluctuations in hormones women experience during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are thought to exacerbate the condition. Again, there's not a lot you can do to prevent this.
  • Age. Not to be a broken record, but sorry folks, as we get older our valves can become damaged and leak blood. If it makes you feel better, anywhere from 40% to 60% of both women and men have vessel problems at some time in life.

Controllable factors -

  • Obesity. Excessive weight puts more pressure on vessels so controlling your weight can help prevent future problems.
  • Activity level. Standing or sitting for long periods affects healthy blood circulation, so keep moving and active to maintain vigorous blood circulation at any age.
  • Career choice. Standing for long hours makes you more of a candidate. If you work in a profession where you stand a lot, perhaps you'll want to wear strong support shoes while working, as these help with blood flow.

Varicose Veins Treatment

There are several types of varicose veins treatment used by the vein doctor Manhattan

for this condition, including:
  • Sclerotherapy, which involves using a needle to inject a chemical solution into the vessel, ultimately causing them to seal shut and prevent further blood flow.

  • Laser treatment, which involves sending laser light (and heat) through the skin onto the vessel.
  • Endovenous treatment, which uses radiofrequency or laser. A catheter is inserted into the vessels and heat seals them from further blood flow.
  • Surgery, which is used mainly for very large vessels, involves tying off the vessels and stripping them out of the legs.

Henceforth, for the best and good aesthetic look one should definitely need to visit the top and prime vein center Manhattan. The center provides you with all the full-fledged responsibilities and duties towards their patients. So don’t waste time and book your appointments now!

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Varicose Veins; Two Best Treatment Options To Eliminate Them If you want to know how to treat and prevent the formation of ugly veins, and how to maintain venous health, visit the vein clinic Houston tx in order to gather essential information about them. You can research your treatment at vein center Houston tx options based on your vein problems.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are a type of abnormal veins visible mostly in the legs. Generally, they can be bulging and twisted causing pain and heaviness in the legs. Veins function to transport the deoxygenated blood from the lower part of the body to the heart. The occurrence of varicose veins is due to the weakened vein walls that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. But when these veins become faulty or defective, the blood starts pooling inside them. This increases the pressure of blood within the vein walls resulting in stretched vein walls converting into varicose. In such cases, you may need vein treatment in Houston tx.

Do You Need Varicose Vein Treatment?

You may require vein treatments when you experience the following symptoms, such as;
  • Inflamed legs
  • Uneasiness, pain, or heaviness in the legs.
  • Cramps in the legs
  • A hot sensation
  • Itchiness around the leg or ankles.
  • Skin discoloration.
When most people experience varicose vein treatment as purely cosmetic, there are actually some major reasons, indicating that you might need varicose vein treatment. You should essentially consider the vein treatment when you have the following complications including:
  • Leg ulcer or persistent soreness.
  • Blood clotting.
  • Uncontrolled bleeding from varicose veins.
If you are one of the thirty percent of adults with varicose veins experiencing the symptoms, you should be aware of the treatment options:

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins:

There are various types of varicose veins to be selected from;

Surgery and minimally invasive.

Each and every treatment aims the same i.e elimination of varicose veins.

  • Surgical Treatments:
Previously, surgery was the only treatment option for people with varicose veins. Usually, surgery involves an incision to locate the varicose veins to be tied off and the ones that are near the skin’s surface can be removed. It is important to know that vein surgery may outcome the risk of pain, bleeding, scarring, infection, and deep vein thrombosis.
  • Minimally Invasive Treatment Options for Varicose Veins:
It has been seen that surgery can end in the risk of pain and other complications that generally encourage the usage of less invasive varicose vein techniques. These are outpatient procedures requiring an injection of a local anesthetic to numb the skin.

  • Sclerotherapy:
This method consists of a sclerosing agent delivered to the lining of the affected veins directly to make the veins collapse and disappear eventually. The vein treatment is less effective than EVLT.
  • Endovenous ablation:
It includes the implementation of a tiny tube known as a catheter that is placed inside the varicose veins. After that, the professionals deliver the radiofrequency waves making the diseased veins close off. It has been observed that the success rate for endovenous therapy is between eighty-four to ninety-four percent.
  • Microphlebectomy:

The vein specialist Houston tx makes a small nick over the surface of the varicose veins. They use a special tool to eliminate the affected veins. Commonly, this technique is used along with endovenous ablation.

You should visit a vein specialist first before considering any type of treatment.
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Venous health issues have been regarded as the particular vein problem in which unsightly veins in the legs and other areas of the body. This area of medical care has grown dramatically and currently gives those suffering from vein sicknesses and giving relief permanently.

Does visiting the vein clinic in California be helpful?

Removing spider veins could be the simplest thing with the right care. With vein center California offering minimally invasive services which are useful at removing spider veins, getting vein treatments is simple. Most vein treatment California can be done with the help of sclerotherapy, laser technology, or VNUS closure technology. All three procedures work best on specific kinds of venous disorders and could be one of the best things to keep in mind is taking from the vein specialist SJ. Normally, laser treatment is better at eliminating more modest arachnid veins. Sclerotherapy includes the expulsion of medium to huge spider veins and VNUS conclusion medicines include eliminating varicose veins. A vein specialist SJ can offer more data on what treatment alternative works best for your situation.

Does all vein treatment work equally well?

Treating venous issues is typically more effective at a vein centre that centres exclusively on vein medicines. This is on the grounds that specialists at a vein therapy explicit facility typically got the entirety of their clinical preparation in that field. This isn't really consistent with the situation and specialists that treat venous illness may likewise offer other corrective medicines since the treatment of veins is viewed as a restorative system. In view of this, it is consistently a smart thought to discover a vein facility with which you feel great. Eliminating creepy crawly veins has gotten basic however since numerous facilities do zero in exclusively on the treatment of venous issues. Get clear on what sort of monetary obligation will be needed to treat unattractive veins since most significant health care coverage suppliers don't take care of the expense. Treating venous issues is regularly viewed as superficial however this isn't generally 100% the situation. See which piece of your medicines will be covered and which segment you will be relied upon to cover from cash on hand. This can be arranged and examined preceding your first treatment for the most smooth treatment meetings. Past this matter, eliminating insect veins is critical to do once you notice them on the grounds that over the long haul they will just decline. In the event that they deteriorate, it could be more difficult recuperating and medicines may not run as flawlessly as you'd trusted.

Is consulting the vein specialist SD helpful?

A vein specialist can help with eliminating spider veins such that a specialist who isn't really prepared in that field will most likely be unable to do so. Recall that with regards to your venous wellbeing, discovering a specialist who is prepared, guaranteed, and experienced with venous wellbeing isn't 100% fulfilment and a smoother recuperation period. Like any space of medication, a specialist who is knowledgeable about the specific technique to be performed is significant. It is in view of this that a gathering of prepared vein specialists can best help you toward a smooth recuperation and more lovely skin.

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Know-How Your Vein Removal Could Help You!
Do you have hurts or swelling in your legs, or do they feel weighty and unwieldy? Have your veins taken on odd shapes or do they seem unusual? If any of these conditions apply to you, you could suffer from a fairly common problem whose solution may be easier than you think.

The vein specialist NYC recommends vein removal treatment for all such problems. Vein removal may sound like a serious procedure, but if you suffer from a common disorder of the legs and other parts of the body, it can be the simple solution that is just right for you.

What are the Varicose veins?

The Vein clinic NY states that Varicose veins are those that have become enlarged and often unsightly. They typically form in the legs - most commonly on the back of the calves - and can bulge out of the skin to be quite noticeable. They are formed when certain valves in the veins that prevent blood from flowing backward cease to work, allowing blood to flow backward and pool in certain areas, which subsequently become enlarged.

Where does it occur?

The vein doctor NY states that it occurs in the legs because blood is pumped upwards and against the flow of gravity in this area as it is being returned to the heart. When these valves malfunction, this situation can develop more quickly than it does in other areas of the body.

While this condition is certainly a cosmetic issue, as it is noticeable and often unsightly, it is often a health risk and a cause of discomfort as well. Varicose veins can be painful and bothersome and are often itchy as well, although scratching them can lead to ulcers and other various complications.While they are often noticeable and easy to distinguish, various symptoms can also signify to an individual that he or she may be suffering from this condition. The interrupted blood flow can lead to swelling of the ankles or a persistent aching or heaviness in the legs. Cramps and other forms of discomfort can also develop quickly from sudden or extended movements. Restless Leg syndrome has also been known to develop as a related issue. Redness or irritation of the area, including dry skin and itchiness, is also common. The appearance of spider veins around the area can also occur, and minor injuries can take longer to stop bleeding or to heal.

If any or all of these symptoms are present, vein removal is an important course of action to consider. Otherwise known as ambulatory phlebectomy, the vein treatment NYC involves varicose vein removal that eliminates the pooling of blood in the affected area and promotes circulation returning to its normal process.

It can be performed in a vein center NY setting or as an outpatient service and is minimally invasive. Patients can typically return to light activity almost immediately following the surgery and can fully recover in short order.

Hence, you will get effective and efficient vein removal treatment from the vein specialist NY. For more information visit the official website
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How to Get Vein Treatment Done? Having a clear skin tone or as it is said getting porcelain skin has likewise its disadvantages like the nature of their veins. Furthermore, at whatever point they are protruding or curved so individuals search for the assistance of experts for vein management. One option is to visit vein clinic NJ whereby they are devoted to taking care of the veins. You can discover three sorts of veins, the greenish-shaded veins which have been found in the legs, the reticular veins that are a more modest adaptation of varicose veins, and ultimately, the spider veins which typically show up on the facial skin with red or sometimes purple.

While considering vein doctor NJ, it is isolated into two varieties that request surgery or the utilization of laser removal. For veins that have been huge and jutting surgery is the best way to deal with address the problem vein. It can not be taken off utilizing laser or other regular home cures. Going through surgery will require sedation because there will be incision and probable taking out some of the veins. After having a surgery treatment, patients are admitted overnight at the center. Nevertheless, how serious the problem is? the hours of treatment depend on this.

What are the new technologies for vein treatment?

Because of the most recent and medical technology, patients can go through laser ablation. There’s no compelling reason to cut open the patient’s skin, it will be treated by inserting laser heating and dissolving the swollen vein. Hence having a laser treatment might cost higher than the customary medical procedure therapy. Laser treatment utilizes current innovation that is demonstrated to be successful in medical procedures as well as in treating other skin infections. After all these treatments, you can rest guarantee that those undesirable veins will be no more.

It’s always best to treat your undesirable varicose vein immediately to keep them from getting worst. Utilizing moisturizers and creams isn’t sufficient to fix the issue. Patients ought to know that vein treatment can be forceful as in the vein requires a medical procedure. It as a rule is prudent to go to treatment centers that are vein specialists NJ in vein treatment to end your concerns. As of this current year, a few trusted and reputable centers work in treating vein issues.

Other vein treatment NJ center offers extraordinary arrangements like limits and free consultation. Having incredible deals from the center, individuals are tempted to benefit from the promotion yet get good help. Search online to see vein centers offering great deals for your money. You can search online in case it is open in your area. To prevent the problem vein to get most awful, you should have normal check-ups from the vein specialist. The individuals who have gone through the treatment, patients are needed to have treatment to prevent it from returning.

Going to vein center NJ is the wisest course of action when you have a vein problem. They know what kind of procedure to do on a wide range of vein problems.
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5 Various Options Available For Varicose Vein Treatment!

Approximately 50 to 55 percent of ladies and 40 to 45 percent of men have a vein issue. Varicose veins influence 50% of individuals over age 50. Side effects incorporate pain after sitting or representing extensive stretches, pulsating or squeezing, greatness and additionally expanding, bothersome or aggravating rash, fretful legs, and obscuring of the skin. Let’s know about the 5 options of the treatment offered by the vein clinic Financial District and they are as follows-

Compression Stockings

Support pantyhose offer the least amount of relief for varicose veins because the pressure is equally applied to the entire leg. Graduated or gradient stockings apply pressure where it is most effective. Over-the-counter pressure angle hose applies more noteworthy tension on veins however original potency pressure slope hose squeezes veins. Patients should be fitted with a prepared proficient for the remedy hose. The two kinds of pressure hoses are accessible at clinical inventory or pharmacies.


Smaller veins are usually treated by injecting an irritant to collapse the wall of the vein. This varicose vein treatment Financial District is meant to impede blood flow to the treated veins. Compression stockings are worn for approximately three to six days for smaller veins and six weeks for larger veins. Side effects include an allergic reaction to the irritant, brown stained skin around the affected area, accidental injection of an artery, and inflammation and irritation of other veins.

Surface Laser

This is a non-invasive varicose vein treatment and is best for veins smaller than 3 mm. Generally, two to five treatments lasting 15 to 20 minutes each are needed. Strong bursts of laser light penetrate the skin and slowly fade the veins until they disappear. The heat of the laser may cause severe pain and is not recommended for all skin types and tones. Side effects like temporary discoloration of the skin, burns, and scars, and temporary redness and swelling may occur. Normal activity is resumed immediately after the procedure.


A surgical technique for saphenous or surface veins is ligation or tying off the vein and stripping or removing the vein. Phlebectomy involves small incisions and using a special hook to remove veins. PINstriping involves sewing the device to the end of a vein and pulling it out. The procedure is performed in outpatient centers or operating rooms. Wound infection, deep vein blood clots, permanent scars, nerve tissue damage, and bleeding or bruising are risks of the surgery.


This varicose vein treatment is performed in a doctor’s office. The vein specialist Financial District uses local anesthesia and is replacing surgery for most patients with deeper saphenous veins. A small catheter is placed inside the vein and a probe is heated by laser energy or radiofrequency to seal off the blood flow. Healthy veins take over blood flow for the sealed ones.

So, the above-mentioned are some of the treatment options which are provided effectively and efficiently at the vein center Financial District. Here the center will give the best amenities to their patients so that they will feel relaxed and comfortable. Also, the center has the prime team of vein doctor Financial District.

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How To Avoid Varicose Veins’ Recurrence?

It has been observed that varicose veins may recur after primary surgery. According to research, the rate of recurrence is about twenty-five percent. The major causes of their reoccurrence can be the heredity and the propensity of varicose veins. In such a case, visit vein center Texas to get an appropriate consult from a vein doctor Texas.

Additionally, the reappeared varicose veins are more widespread after saphenous ligation which is about thirty-five percent than after stripping which is about eighteen percent.

Patients who have gone through surgical treatments had recurrence issues due to incorrect surgery. According to the experts, the major cause of early occurrence of varicose veins is due to incomplete vein surgery. Moreover, about twenty percent of cases of recurrence of varicose veins are believed due to neovascularization, and a scattered few are due to abnormal anatomy. Therefore make an appointment at vein center TX to get the right suggestion regarding the treatment.

Personal experience:

It was observed that several patients were referred to private practice offices where complications of treatments were recorded in a high manner. The doctors at vein clinic Houston recommended focused physical examination under the administration of standardized ultrasound examination. A venous map was designed in order to consider the treatment for each lower extremity.

Patients and methods:

Sclerosant foam is created using two syringe techniques along with one-fourth of sclerosant to air mixture. The sclerosant was administered through one or more varicose veins directed by massage into previously marked veins under the watch of ultrasound. Most of the time due to the absence of great saphenous veins, this was not regularly a target for therapy. Once the foam was installed, the treated limb stayed in a forty-five-degree elevated position for about ten minutes. This makes foam revert to its liquid form. It is done to prevent unfavorable complexities. And it was successful. The quantity of sclerosant foam may range from 5 ml to 17 ml per body organ i.e 1% polidocanol in 2 limbs, 3% in 18 limbs, and 2% in the remaining 55 limbs. The size of the treatment varied from one to four. Then, the professional applies Class II or III thigh-high support compression stockings with additional focused pressure over large varicose veins. This additional force was applied just after the treatment. This was held for about forty-eight to seventy-two hours. After that, your vein doctor recommended wearing compression stockings during the day for two weeks or comfort in accordance with patients’ desires. In the case of DVT, the surveillance was done from seven to twenty-one days.

Get the following treatment done only by a vein specialist Houston in order to get effective and permanent results.

How To Prevent Varicose Vein Recurrence:

Tips to be considered in order to avoid the regrowth of varicose veins:
  • The saphenofemoral junction must be an important part to focus.
  • Prevent long femoral stumps by implementing a ligation flush on the femoral side.
  • The utilization of a silicone application to avoid frequent regrowth after surgery for saphenofemoral reflux depicts a true alternative at 1-year follow-up.
Visit a vein doctor, if you yet have any doubts about the recurrence issues of varicose veins.

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